Saturday, June 26, 2010

Promise Keepers

I'm a pretty ordinary girl. I've lived in the country my whole life, outside of a very small town. I go to church and have picnics in the field. I go swimming and do laundry. I text and take my dog for walks. I sing and cry and laugh and watch the sunset and count stars.
Jesus was an ordinary Man... on the outside. Nobody could see that He was God. They saw the callouses from His carpentry tools but they didn't know that those hands also held together the universe. They saw His eyes look at Jerusalem and weep but they didn't know that He wept for them. They heard His voice teaching them and singing with them but they didn't know that voice also bound the ocean to its place and called the dry land into existence. And they couldn't see His heart beating in rhythm with God's.
He has made us like Him... ordinary, temporal shell with an extraordinary, eternal soul. We were made for eternity but now, for just a little while, we live in the confines of time. Within this time we call our life, we have a task, just as He did when He put on Time.
He came to heal broken hearts and release captives. To remove the barrier that kept us from returning to our home when our Time was completed. The promise that was made to the first man and woman, that someday the Seed would crush the serpent, came to pass. The promise that God made to Abraham that through him all the nations of the world would be blessed, was fulfilled. The whole of the Law and the Prophets was completed in Him.
So we are His promise to the World. What was promised by The Spirit through the Prophets has come to pass. The Messiah has come. And what is promised to the World, through us, will also come to pass. He will come again. He will restore righteousness and peace. He will cast out Darkness forever. He will wipe away all tears. He will kill Death. And we will forever be in the Light of His Presence.
We are sons and daughters of the Promise just as Isaac, Moses, and Joshua the High Priest were. They were reminders to their generations that God is still faithful and still remembers His promises. We are reminders to our generation that God is still God and He keeps His word.


  1. My dear sweet girl,you have an amazing way with words.I loved what you had to say.I certainly have alot of clay pots around here and it is so fun to see God shaping and forming each one into a unique and extremely special person.In these past few weeks we have seen an amazing God do amazing things in the lives of our children.We look forward to the future to watch what unfolds.Love to you Mother

  2. Wow.. even growing up with you I never knew that you wrote this way! It's gorgeous!!! You should have your own publication so that people can read this and understand what it is all about. You put it so plainly. Keep it up girl!
