Sometimes when you see clay pottery its been painted with brilliant colors and elaborate patterns. Others are plain and their beauty lies in their simplicity. But either way, the pottery in and of itself has no glory. They glory, or shame, lies in what is put inside the pottery. "God formed man out of the dust of the ground..." In our essence we are clay pots. We are formed on purpose for a purpose. We are all different, unique, special. My clay pot may be taller than yours. His clay pot may be stronger than mine. She may have many more beautiful colors on her's. But what's inside my pot? What's inside of me? Honor or dishonor? Glory or shame? Light or darkness?
Let me tell you what's inside of the clay jar called Tori.
Honor. "Because he has set his love on Me... I will...honor him."
Glory. "...this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory..."
Light. "...your whole body is full of light as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light.”
And just how do I know all this?
Because I am His. I am nothing but clay filled with the Glory that make all of heaven and earth tremble.
So that the excellency of the power (His power which is at work mightily within you) may be from God and not from us...