Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Begin again

The hardest part is the beginning. The figuring out how to get started. The perfect blueprint with no idea how the finished product will look.
The beginning is exciting. And terrifying. And hard. And fun.
{The beginning: when anything is possible and nothing is certain.}

Beginnings can be small or monumental. They can be of choice or necessity. Sometimes you begin again because you have no other option.

No matter the reason, no matter the circumstance, a beginning is another chance. Maybe not a second chance at the same thing but another chance for you to make the right choice. To do the right thing this time. To accept the grace that is given to you to forgive and move on. To hold yourself to a new standard and reach your benchmark. To finally succeed when you had failed before. To learn from lessons taught at the end and apply them to your beginning.

Begin again with courage, dear hearts. Let the mistakes of the end stay at the end and don't let them mar your beginning. Spread wide your arms and welcome this season. There's a refreshing wind that comes when you begin again. Let it in to sweep away fear and doubt, to fill you with new hope.

Have courage and just begin.     

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