Sunday, January 20, 2013

We met around a kitchen table, myself and 2 other ladies. We talked about being relentless in our pursuit of God. We talked about the battlefield of our minds and hearts, about victories we've had and also of defeats.  

We talked about grace. 

We talked about the Blood. 

We talked about what it means to never give up.

We talked about those heavy, theological topics around a white kitchen table, with dishes drying in the rack on the counter and a broom  standing in the corner. Because that's real. That's where life happens: In the kitchen of a home belonging to ordinary people who live and love The Name. 

Wrestling with theology isn't only for philosophers in their secluded towers or preachers in their pulpits. It is for everyone. For the foot soldiers in the trenches of everyday, not-so-extraordinary lives. For you. For me. Because God gave us minds. Beautiful, strong, complex minds. Minds with which we think and reason and wrestle with the biggest, most difficult questions in the universe. 

Today I was part of that discussion. What a sobering, exciting privilege it was to share real life with my fellow soldiers around that kitchen table! 

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