The season leading up to Easter is one of my favorite times of year. The story of Easter, the story of the redemption of mankind from the slavery of sin, is heartbreaking and beautiful. I love to read the accounts in the Gospels of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; they are horrible but captivating. God's supremacy is so evident and the depravity of the human race so tragically portrayed. But I found an account of the Passion of Chtist in different, and quite unexpected, place.
Psalm 116:12-13.
"What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits toward me? I will take up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the LORD."
That's what my English New King James Bible says.
But here's what the Hebrew says:
"How shall I (return, repent) to Yehovah for all His grace to me? I will (bear, take, endure, forgive) the cup of (Yeshua) and (be named, call myself) by the (reputation, glory, The Name) of Yehovah."
When Salvation, Yeshua, Jesus, served the wine and bread to His disciples, He gave them His cup to drink and said, "Whenever you drink this, remember Me." He died the next day and went to Hell to do battle for our release. When He walked from the grave alive and the final act for His passion on earth was complete, He had opened the previously closed door to the Throne Room of His Father. He, the Firstborn, initiated the adoption process for us so that we could be called by the Name of Almighty God, the Father of us all.
We did nothing to deserve this.
We beat Him, the Creator.
We spit on Him, the Sustainer of Life.
We despised Him, the Lover of our souls.
We mocked Him, King of heaven's armies.
We forsook Him, Covenant-Keeper.
We killed Him, Lion of Judah, Lamb of God.
Yet.... thank God, there is a "yet." Yet He did not forsake us, but kept His promises to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, David, Isaiah, Joel, Malachi, and renewed the covenant with Himself by Himself. Just as with Abraham when He swore by Himself because He could swear by nothing greater, so also in the New Covenant with His own blood as the seal.
So when you call yourself a Christian, you are partaking of the cup of suffering and glory of which Yeshua partook and allowing yourself to be named by the reputation and glory of El Elyon, God Most High.
That's what being a Christian means.
That's what redemption is.
That's what Easter is about.
Thanks for this reminder...it always seems to me that Easter comes when I don't realize and I never feel like I take enough time to prepare my heart. Thanks for a timely reminder. BTW, I love the pictures you use!! Where do you get them?