I've grown up with babies. All my life there's been babies around me. My little siblings, my little cousins and now children of my siblings and cousins.
Babies at church. Babysitting jobs. Babies are everywhere.
My parents have always taught me about the sanctity of life and the importance of protecting the unborn. I knew abortion was a horrible thing. I read a very mild description in my 10th grade Biology book and it made me sick for days whenever I thought of it.
I guess I'm kind of a visual person. I saw a video this past week done by a couple of students that went undercover to Planned Parenthood center and had a counseling session with a PP rep. The disgusting lies that they told those girls! There was no real life at stake but those same words have been repeated millions of times across our nation. Millions of girls and women have been led astray by the lies that the development inside them is not a baby, it's just a group of cells. That abortions are safer than births. Go to liveaction.org and click on the projects button. Watch the videos.
I was ashamed of my own ignorance of what really goes on during an abortion. The horror.... the pain... and all the lies. But now...
Life isn't sacred in America anymore. But to followers of the Creator of life, it must always be sacred. It must be defended. In the courtrooms... in the hospitals... in the church... on the street.
Anywhere and everywhere that we are, we must bring the truth. The truth that life is precious. That abortion is wrong. That there is forgiveness and love and a God Who can make them whole.
When you are confronted with the lies that our society would have us believe, choose to stand for for truth.
Choose to stand for LIFE.
Excellent post. Great thoughts and very well written. Thanks for standing for the truth!